Common types of Anorectal Disorders
Piles are one of the most common problems that are usually witnessed in any person. Besides Piles, some of them face severe problems with Fistula and Fissures. Mostly, people with piles fistula and fissures often visit the Surgical Department to get the treatment.

Types of Hemorrhoids

No prolapse. just prominent
blood vessels,only bleeds.

Prolapse upon bearing down but spontaneously reduce

prolapse upon bearing down and requires manual reducation

Permanent prolapse and cannot be manually reduced
Hemorrhoids are actually painful when they come out of the anal canal and get obstructed. Hemorrhoids will cause fresh bleeding than pain unless it is grade 4.
Types of Hemorroids Surgeries
Stapled surgery and laser surgery are painless and bloodless procedures and one can immediately join to their routine work post procedure . In those procedures there will not be any wound around anus so they are painless post surgery.

Types of Anal Fissure
Acute anal fissure, which clears up within six weeks. This is the most common type, and normally appears as linear with clear edgesChronic anal fissure, which persists for more than six weeks. Chronic anal fissure healing time varies.

An anal fissure most often occurs when passing large or hard stools. Chronic constipation or frequent diarrhea can also tear the skin around your anus.
Other common causes include:
- Straining during childbirth or bowel movements.
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn's disease.
- Decreased blood flow to the anorectal area.
- Overly tight or spastic anal sphincter muscles.

An anal fissure may cause one or more of the following symptoms:
- A visible tear in the skin around your anus.
- A skin tag, or small lump of skin, next to the tear.
- Sharp pain in the anal area during bowel movements.
- Streaks of blood on stools or on toilet paper after wiping.
- Burning or itching in the anal area.
- Main complaint of anal fissure is severe pain while passing stool and less bleeding.[opposite to piles]
- Treatment for anal fissure is medical and surgical
- Medical treatment is for those patients who are having mild symptoms and one or two attacks of pain in a year . it is not a permanent cure .
- Surgical treatment is for those patients who are having severe symptoms .
- Closed lateral anal sphincterotomy is the day care procedure wich cures anal fissure permanently. It can be done through lasers. Recovery is fast and one can immediately join routine work post procedure .

Perianal Abscess
Perianal abscess is the condition in which pus gets collected around anus . it is very painful condition with fever. Infection usually starts with in the anus. Treatment is surgical drainage and regular follow up dressings.
Anal Fistula
Anal fistula is the condition which commonly occurs post perianal abscess in which there is abnormal communication between anus and external skin surface. MRI is the gold standard investigation for diagnosing grade of anal fistula . Treatment is surgical, depending upon whether tract is passing through external sphincter which controls anal continence. It can be done through laser in certain cases. Recurrence can be minimized through meticulous care.
Pilonidal Sinus
This is the condition in which hairs get trapped in inside skiin near tail bone. Treatment is surgical and can be done through minimal invasion.